Monday, January 28, 2019

Classy Tags -- Fursonas and Mun Answer Questions

Things written in here are colour coded as a way to distinguish who is saying what. Mun is obviously Ari Schaffer or Mari Fahel McKimzey (that is myself) 
Agan is based on member at ages 18-21 when I conformed much to a former friend's ideals and hobbies and likes. 
Misty is based on me right now. 
Penny is based on me at 15-18 
Aisling is based on me at 12-15 

Q - (Warrior): What’s your weapon of choice?

Either a warhammer, axe or claymore. 
Bow and arrows 
A staff, please! 
A simple sgian dubh will do for me thanks. 

Q- (Paladin): What’s something you believe very strongly in? 

I'm a Christian-- more specifically an Anglican-- and really seeps into my characters. But each of my characters is based on certain points in my life, so a few of them believe things I used to believe. 
I, too am a Christian with the ministry of casting out the demonic forces. [Luke 10:19]
I am a Christian as well, a ragamuffin, healer, with the goal to help others find peace and the freedom to struggle, rather than struggling to be free. [Matthew 5:3-5] [Galatians 6:2]
Newly found Christian, finding my courage in Him and trying to seek Him in all things [2 Timothy 17] [Isaiah 41:10] [Matthew 7:7]
Raised in faith and truly wanting to testify it abroad and become a missionary [Acts 20:24]

Q- (Hunter): Your favourite animal? 

Cats and platypuses mostly, including wild cats hehe! :) Which is why I chose my fursona species. Agan in a Scottish fold cat, Misty although mythical, is a gryphon. Penny is a platypus. and Aisling is a calico caticorn.. 

Q - (Rogue): What’s something you’d only do if you were offered a large sum of money to do it?

Ride the Tower of Terror from Disney World for anyone other than my sister.
Letting go of blacksmithing for any length of time
Not flying for a day or not listening to music for a day
Being anywhere near a mall or a stage
Listening to heavy metal xP

Q - (Priest): Confess something embarrassing or silly that you’ve never told your followers before! (Maybe it’s just subtle mind control…)

Wrote the most embarrassing poetry that my parents refuse to let me trash
I used to be very uninformed about my beliefs and I regret things I used to claim as truth.
My favourite thing to do is to watch girly children shows
I once squeaked for five minutes on stage, stutter and breathe like Darth Vader in the mic when singing or performing on stage.
I used to be obsessed with butterflies and people still send me butterfly stuff thinking I'm still obsessed with them

Q- (Death Knight): Have you ever been forgiven for something you were sure would be the last straw?

Hasn't everyone?
yeahhh *shifting weight*

Q - (Shaman): Would you favour Earth, Fire, Water, or Air?

Water... because persistent
Fire... because blacksmith
Air... because flight
Water... because swimming

Q - (Mage): What were your favourite and least favourite subjects in school?

Language Arts is my fave... Math is my least
History and Art are my favourites and Math is my least favourite
Science-- specifically metorology, astronomy, oceanography and psychology; Social science and math is my least
Music and Math are my faves and social science is my least
Language Arts is my fave and math is my least

Q - (Warlock): If you had the chance to control another person’s actions for the day, with no direct consequences, would you do it?

Why would I do that?
uhh... nope
maybe... but only to my enemies, to embarrass them >:-)

Q - (Monk): When’s a time you were patient with someone, even though you didn’t want to be?

When I was hurt by the Church
When many of my friends lied to me
When an acquainced forced friendship on me
When family was manipulative and secretive about stuff that had to do with my friends
Pretty much always

Q - (Druid): Would you align yourself with the Claw, Grove, Talon, Fang, Antler, Saber, or Scythe? Or would you remain a Druid of the Wild?

Druid of the Wild

Q - (Demon Hunter): To what extent do you believe the end can justify the means?

Only when honesty is harsh. Or when lying to the a corrupt government to protect lives. No wrong or evil can justify the means.
Like she said^ 
Too true
I completely agree

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