Saturday, June 9, 2018

Character: Kaitra Faer Joy Gael

Character(s) Theme Playlist: Kaitra Faer Joy Gael

Kaitra at the beginning of the story, when
she was enslaved by Lord Sorion of
 Name: Kaitra Faer Joy Gael

Nickname: Gael
MBTI-Type: Ambivert-NFP
Age: 17
Species: Halfling (Half Pemma/Half Afaena)
Height: 5"3
Weight: 157 lbs.
Eye color:  hazel
Physical appearance: curvy, between healthy and plump
Favorite clothing style/outfit: (before freedom) halfling slave garments -- (after freedom) healer garments
Where does he or she live? Before her liberation, Enslaved to Sorion in Horrai After her liberation, Anthem Rise Guardian Academy
Speaking style: mostly silent and softly spoken during her enslavement,  but chatty when she gained her independence

Kaitra when she escaped the slavery
capitol of Horrai and her Master.
And found a refuge in Oraeda Citadel
with King Oronim.
Hobbies/interests: writing, library, archery, drawing, singing, swordplay
Special skills/abilities: healer, warrior
Temperament: healer attitude, temperament also mimics the ocean peaceful and calm in the right conditions yet is a force to reckon with when the storm comes
Religion/philosophy of life: Christian
Physical health: healthy
Kaitra during her guardian missions, after
she was finally commissioned as a
librarian, healer, and guardian warrior.
Bio: Born to an Afaena Lady and a Pemma warrior, Kaitra was automatically born into a world of discrimination. Barely 3 years into her life, she was kidnapped from her parents and put into slavery in the hotspot of slavery, the city of Horrai. As she worked in the workhouse through the years, she caught the eyes of the overlord of the city, Sorion who took her to his house to be his own personal household slave at the age of 10. There, she was made to clean and pleasure him sexually and as a nursemaid for his children and maid of his household.

As she grew older she learned she wanted more to life, and traded her future first born daughter to him to find her freedom as long as she spied on the Guardians of the Oraeda Citadel and to report to Sorion. She was 17 by this time. Having earned his full trust, Kaitra was able to gain her freedom. She spied on the guardians for a year, when she was convinced and converted to their side. There she found refuge with King Oronim. And was apprenticed by Jedro Gael, the librarian warrior and his sister, Mystery the healer who also were liberated halflings. In her time there, she befriended them and their friend, Willai MacNell a pemma. Which wasn't taken well by Lord Sorion. He marched to reclaim his own, but Oronim wouldn't hear of it. Thus, a battle would commence for her life.

If he or she were lived in famous geek worlds:

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Favorite Subject: Potions
Hunger Games District: District 12
Steven Universe Gem: Pearl

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