Thursday, August 16, 2018

Post-Birthday Blogging Challenge: Day 6 - What Are You [Most] Afraid Of?

I will be sharing 4 types of fears that I struggle with. My phobias, insecurities, and my greatest fear, and my anxiety disorders.


an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
  1. claustrophobia: extreme or irrational fear of confined places.
  2. Nyctophobia: is a phobia characterized by a severe fear of the dark. It is triggered by the brain's disfigured perception of what would, or could happen when in a dark environment.
  3. bathophobia: an extreme or irrational fear or phobia of depths
  4. Acrophobia: an extreme or irrational fear or phobia of heights, especially when one is not particularly high up
  5. Sedatephobia: an extreme or irrational fear or phobia of silence


uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.

  • useless
  • ugly
  • fat
  • worthless
  • nobody cares
  • I won't amount to anything
  • am I a coward?
  • stupid
  • unwanted
  • weak
  • wondering if people are right to call me a narcissist
  • nothing more than a liar and manipulator?
  • people secretly wish I were dead
  • everyone would be better off without me...

Most Afraid Of

feeling fear or anxiety; frightened.

My greatest and most relevant fear of all is abandonment but also to make new friends.

Anxiety Disorders


This has nothing to do with today's post-birthday challenge, but I do intend to participate in this challenge in October. Some of the challenges were borrowed from others, while others were created by me...

Inktober: 31 Days of Gryphons

  1. Draw your favourite kind of gryphon (or your character if you have one)
  2. Now draw that gryphon in reverse (switch halves. For example, if it’s an eagle front/lion back make it a lion front/eagle back)
  3. Choose 5 expressions of emotion to draw your gryphon oc with.
  4. Now draw your gryphon as a different fantasy creature (what would it look like as a dragon, pegasus, or something else?)
  5. Choose your favourite feline and bird to create a new gryphon.
  6. As a character in your favourite cartoon! (Or video game or TV show)
  7. Then choose two favourite cartoon characters (a bird and cat) to draw as a gryphon.
  8. Draw it in an embarrassing situation
  9. As an adorable widdle baby gryphon (Note: this may apply to #5  as well... did I just say ‘widdle’?)
  10. In it’s favourite place in the world (Maybe under its favourite tree, or overlooking the mountains)
  11. Create a weird combo gryphon (such as road runner/iguana, or penguin/seal. Be creative!)
  12. Do a Time Warp of your gryphon (from egg, hatchling, fledgling, teenager, adult)
  13. Create a trading card about your gryphon oc.
  14. Draw a map of where your gryphon came from.
  15. Now draw your gryphon as an athro/furry. (Use one of your favourite selfies as inspiration for a drawing of your gryphon.)
  16.  Draw your gryphon oc in different animation styles.
  17. Draw a comic strip featuring your gryphon oc.
  18. Choose another different fantasy creature to draw your gryphon oc as
  19. Choose your favourite feline and bird to create another new kind of gryphon.
  20. Choose another character in your favourite cartoon to draw your gryphon as! (Or video game or TV show)
  21. Then choose two favourite cartoon characters (a bird and cat) to draw as a gryphon.
  22. Choose another different fantasy creature to draw your gryphon oc as
  23. Choose your favourite feline and bird to create another new kind of gryphon.
  24. Choose another character in your favourite cartoon to draw your gryphon as! (Or video game or TV show)
  25. Then choose two favourite cartoon characters (a bird and cat) to draw as a gryphon.
  26. Choose another different fantasy creature to draw your gryphon oc as
  27. Choose your favourite feline and bird to create another new kind of gryphon.
  28. Choose another character in your favourite cartoon to draw your gryphon as! (Or video game or TV show)
  29. Then choose two favourite cartoon characters (a bird and cat) to draw as a gryphon.
  30. Draw your gryphon oc as they get ready for Halloween. (what do they like to do for Halloween? Party? Trick-or-treat? etc
  31. Draw your gryphon oc in their Halloween costume

Sources: The Gryphon Meme by: windfalcon, Do the Time Warp: Gryphon Edition. And just random ones I made up and also put on repeat.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Post-Birthday Blogging Challenge: Day 5 - My Proudest Moment[s]

I apologize for the late update, but I will continue this challenge, even if it is for the most part late... It doesn't have to be always on time...

My proudest moment in life in general...

The day I hit my one-year mark from cutting on August 31, 2016 was the first time I went an entire year without it. It was an amazing feeling having that freedom from a chain I designed for myself. I had never thought that I'd make it to this point, this was the chain. Not the self-harming itself... So having accomplished that was amazing, it set me free from the low expectations of my own mental ability. But the truly proudest moment in my life wasn't simply that... 

But picking back up my recovery after relapsing 7 months later.... Although, I was ashamed I didn't give up on my recovery.... So truly? I am proud of the up and even the downs of my recovery. The fight never being over is what defines who I am. I am a recovery warrior and proud of that.

The proudest moment in my writing...

When I completed the first poetry compilation on April 19, 2018. I felt like I accomplished something great. Having written poetry about the story of my recovery, and how I believe that my faith and persevering will end in light and joy.

Christianity was a big part of my recovery and gave me a reason to press on in a world that hated me. But the most important part of the compilation to me was how each and every colour in it is expressed with a beautiful meaning.

Soon I hope to illustrate for it as I have with the cover. But being able to complete the first draft not only was the proudest moment in my writing but it was also the inspiration to make it the most beautiful artistic book that people will look at as an expression of hope, joy and love. I want to edit and revise it and then publish it with my art to unveil it to a broken and dark world.... That will be my proudest moment once I complete that...

Land of Ansaris: Anthem Rise Academy Schools (Part Two)

S chool Locations The locations of each school/fortress are strategic positions. Moreover their positions are based on the trinity and fel...