Saturday, June 9, 2018

Character: Morwynne Aari Gael

 Character(s) Theme Playlist: Morwynne Aari Gael 

Name: Morwynne Aari Gael
Nickname: Mor/Vixen
MBTI-Type: Ambivert-NFP
Age: 17
Species: Halfling (Half Pemma/Half Afaena)
Height: 5"4
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eye color:  sea green
Physical appearance: curvy, plump
Favorite clothing style/outfit: cloak, boots, side pouch, vest or corsets, or her fancy, velvet healer's/prophets' gown
Where does he or she live? Traveler until she settled down in Anthem Rise Academy in Oraeda Citadel

Speaking style: chatty when close, reserved most other times
Hobbies/interests: writing, library, archery, drawing, singing, penny whistle, ocarina, violin, bagpipes, bodrahn
Special skills/abilities: rogue, healer, librarian, warrior, bard, prophet
Temperament: impatient, temperament also mimics the ocean peaceful and calm in the right conditions yet is a force to reckon with when the storm comes
Religion/philosophy of life: Christian
Physical health: between healthy and  overweight

Bio:  Morwynne didn't always know who she was. After her mother gave birth to her, she had to send her away with her brother, Patryd, who gave them both a name to go into hiding. Patryd went by the name Zronim and for many years he went by that name and Morwynne went by Vixen. While in hiding, Patryd taught her to survive as a rogue and thief due to their race as halflings. It was either that route or slavery. As she grew up she became a well-seasoned rogue. Until she got to 17 years of age, on that day, they took on more than they bargained for. Trying to steal a jewel from a guardian, named Dron. He captured Morwynne as her brother and her only friend abandoned her to his wrath.

Soon afterward she was forced into community service and to be his apprentice as long as he desired. He partnered her with his daughters, Havanna and Abygaell whom soon trained her as a guardian. 3 years as his apprentice had gone by, and Vixen found she had landed herself in a cult. She helped Havana out but wasn't able to free Aby. Soon she found another unit in the guardian core that was more with it. There she and Havana grew in friendship and met new guardians. and was reunited with her father, Jedro Gael. And there, she and Jedro had the same prophetic dream revealing whom she was.

(To be continued later...)

If he or she were lived in famous geek worlds:

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favorite Subject: Divination
Hunger Games District: District 6
Steven Universe Gem: Sapphire

Character: Kaitra Faer Joy Gael

Character(s) Theme Playlist: Kaitra Faer Joy Gael

Kaitra at the beginning of the story, when
she was enslaved by Lord Sorion of
 Name: Kaitra Faer Joy Gael

Nickname: Gael
MBTI-Type: Ambivert-NFP
Age: 17
Species: Halfling (Half Pemma/Half Afaena)
Height: 5"3
Weight: 157 lbs.
Eye color:  hazel
Physical appearance: curvy, between healthy and plump
Favorite clothing style/outfit: (before freedom) halfling slave garments -- (after freedom) healer garments
Where does he or she live? Before her liberation, Enslaved to Sorion in Horrai After her liberation, Anthem Rise Guardian Academy
Speaking style: mostly silent and softly spoken during her enslavement,  but chatty when she gained her independence

Kaitra when she escaped the slavery
capitol of Horrai and her Master.
And found a refuge in Oraeda Citadel
with King Oronim.
Hobbies/interests: writing, library, archery, drawing, singing, swordplay
Special skills/abilities: healer, warrior
Temperament: healer attitude, temperament also mimics the ocean peaceful and calm in the right conditions yet is a force to reckon with when the storm comes
Religion/philosophy of life: Christian
Physical health: healthy
Kaitra during her guardian missions, after
she was finally commissioned as a
librarian, healer, and guardian warrior.
Bio: Born to an Afaena Lady and a Pemma warrior, Kaitra was automatically born into a world of discrimination. Barely 3 years into her life, she was kidnapped from her parents and put into slavery in the hotspot of slavery, the city of Horrai. As she worked in the workhouse through the years, she caught the eyes of the overlord of the city, Sorion who took her to his house to be his own personal household slave at the age of 10. There, she was made to clean and pleasure him sexually and as a nursemaid for his children and maid of his household.

As she grew older she learned she wanted more to life, and traded her future first born daughter to him to find her freedom as long as she spied on the Guardians of the Oraeda Citadel and to report to Sorion. She was 17 by this time. Having earned his full trust, Kaitra was able to gain her freedom. She spied on the guardians for a year, when she was convinced and converted to their side. There she found refuge with King Oronim. And was apprenticed by Jedro Gael, the librarian warrior and his sister, Mystery the healer who also were liberated halflings. In her time there, she befriended them and their friend, Willai MacNell a pemma. Which wasn't taken well by Lord Sorion. He marched to reclaim his own, but Oronim wouldn't hear of it. Thus, a battle would commence for her life.

If he or she were lived in famous geek worlds:

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Favorite Subject: Potions
Hunger Games District: District 12
Steven Universe Gem: Pearl

Monday, June 4, 2018

Character: Misty Tiva Donnhaidgh Aarin

Character(s) Theme Playlist: Misty Tiva Donnhaidgh Aarin

Name: Misty Tiva Donnhaidgh Aarin
Nickname: Ti
Age: 480yrs old
Species: Gryphon
Height: 5"1
Weight: 157 lbs.
Eye color:  Heterochromatic-- violet & gold
Physical appearance: curvy, plump
Favorite clothing style/outfit: gypsy skirt, sleeveless blouse or tie dye tee, and blue jeans
Where does he or she live? Tenalach Sanctum, Smokey Mountains, NC
Speaking style: monotone
Hobbies/interests: writing, library, archery, drawing, singing, penny whistle, ocarina, violin, bagpipes, bodrahn
Special skills/abilities: time traveler, magical healing abilities connected to music and water, Goldenhand (aka able to bring creations and characters to existence through writing and song)
Temperament: healer attitude, temperament also mimics the ocean peaceful and calm in the right conditions yet is a force to reckon with when the storm comes
Religion/philosophy of life: Christian
Physical health: healthy
Bio:  A little-known fact about gryphons is that they have secret powers that become manifest after growing up to the age of 90 (which would be the equivalent of 9 years old for humans). Once they manifest, They are born with silver eyes that once their powers manifest, they change to a colour, representing the powers they shall gain. And usually they get only one.

Misty, however was different. Born in the Early 13th Century Scotland, where her mother and father happily raised her. One day, only one silver eye changed, and that was violet. Representing her healing and creating bardic and script powers. Her other powers didn't come but for  20 years, after a great family tragedy...

That day, her father and mother were found and slain by the knights of the region. When she sought them and found their bodies, her rage rose high, and her current powers went haywire, creating an all-new, never before gained gryphon power-- time travel. In her shock and pain, she shut her eyes and opened them in the 1720s in the New World. (Talk about culture shock, eh?)

If he or she were lived in famous geek worlds:

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Favorite Subject: Potions
Hunger Games District: District 11
Steven Universe Gem: Ruby

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Character: Penelope Sophia Grace Smith

Character(s) Theme Playlist: Penelope Sophia Grace Smith

Name: Penelope Sophia Grace Smith
Nickname: Penni
Age: 20
Species: Platypus
Height: 5"0
Weight: 143 lbs.
Eye color: Seagreen
Physical appearance: plump/muscular
Favorite clothing style/outfit: black tanktops and skinny jeans
Where does he or she live? Sydney, Australia in an alternate world
Speaking style: chatty/articulate
Hobbies/interests: music, writing, fitness, skateboarding,
Special skills/abilities: rock guitar, librarian skills, hairstyling
Temperament: Easy going until used too much, impatient,
Religion/philosophy of life: Christian
Physical health: healthy
Bio: Penni was born in the country of Australia to an abusive family. until she was taken out at the age of 5 and taken to a better family of Kangaroos as a foster child until they decided to adopt her. In that family, she gained a new view of the world with them. They homeschooled her most of her life. And as she coped with PTSD from her previous family, she learned to skateboard with the help of her adoptive older sister Joan. And learned archery with her mother, Sue.

Once she grew up and music became a big deal for the family, she began to want to do what they were doing. So as their music gigs started kicking off, as the age of 17, Penni formed a symphonic metalcore band with Sally, Joan and their father, a wallaby named Flynn Smith and his mate, Kyle Koala. They called it Beacons of Truth. By the age of 20, they were a hit. Playing mostly in churches, homeschool groups, and even public schools.

If he or she were lived in famous geek worlds:

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favorite Subject: Charms
Hunger Games District: District 1
Steven Universe Gem: Amethyst

Character: Agan Rowan Kimzey

Character(s) Theme Playlist: Agan Rowan Kimzey

Name: Agan Rowan Kimzey
Age: 25
Species: Feline Scottish Fold
Height: 6"0
Weight: 187 lbs.
Eye color: Sapphire
Physical appearance: Fit, healthy
Favorite clothing style/outfit: Celtic kilt (MacKenzie Clan) and blacksmith leather
Where does he or she live? Tenalach Sanctum, Smokey Mountains, NC
Speaking style: Monotone
Hobbies/interests: blacksmithing, swordplay, writing, singing, drawing
Special skills/abilities: Blacksmith, Claymore swordplay, explorer
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Choleric
Religion/philosophy of life: Christian
Physical health: healthy
Bio:  In 1795 Scotland, a barn cat named, Ginny was brought to USA by her owner-- a Zoological Alchemist (animal creator/genorator) name Joseph MacKenzie and his wife, Katrina. There, Ginny mated and gave birth to a litter of kitten. And after they were weaned from their mother's milk, Joseph experimented with his magical skills to transform them into intelligent almost human creatures. From then on, Joseph found their lifespans extended, and he and Katrina raised them as though they were their children.

That odd family then found a secret cavern with a forest within it in the Smokey Mountains in which Joseph claimed before anyone could find it and cast a spell over the opening to hide it from prying eyes and from then on, the population of cats grew, a chief would choose one of his own to continue in his place and the laws changed each time a new chief claimed it. so by the 1800's and on, they had found there were more anthropomorphic animals out there and it then became Tenelach Sanctum For All Anthros. As they expanded the caves with pickaxes, magic, and sound protecting spells to keep it secret.

That's where we come to 1993 , Agan, born in the secret sanctum; where he smithed for those who live there. He is the son of the current chief of Tenalach. And for many years, he has been avoiding his duties to the clan, having had been chosen by his father as the chief. He has always wanted to explore the caverns and even out in the human world. He trained with the claymore, mapped the unexplored caves, and did the things he wanted to pursue.

If he or she were lived in famous geek worlds:

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite Subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Hunger Games District: District 2
Steven Universe Gem: Bismuth

Land of Ansaris: Anthem Rise Academy Schools (Part Two)

S chool Locations The locations of each school/fortress are strategic positions. Moreover their positions are based on the trinity and fel...